Business Catering Frankfurt

Your partner for business catering in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering, where culinary excellence meets professional meetings.

At Lofthouse Catering, we understand the importance of first-class dining experiences for your business. Our business Catering in Frankfurt is designed to make your business events a success, be it an important presentation, a company anniversary or an informal meeting. Our experienced team consisting of chefs and event planners, ensures that your event is perfectly tailored to your needs.
Ours Business catering menus offer a wide range of culinary options that delight both the palate and the senses. From exquisite finger food creations to sophisticated buffets and tailor-made menus - we rely on high-quality ingredients and sophisticated preparation techniques. We understand that every event is unique, so we work closely with you to ensure that every culinary component meets your expectations.
Our services for business catering in Frankfurt include not only excellent food, but also professional on-site support. Our experienced staff will ensure that your event runs smoothly so that you can focus on what's important — your business. We ensure that everything is delivered on time and presented perfectly.
Ours many years of experience In business catering in Frankfurt, we have become a trustworthy partner for numerous companies. We are proud to inspire our customers with excellent service and outstanding cuisine. If you are looking for a reliable business catering partner in Frankfurt who exceeds your expectations, we are the right choice.
Come and join us to plan your business catering in Frankfurt, and see how we make your business events special.

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Our services

Additional services

Our services are wide-ranging and can be booked as an option for every catering event.
Whether it may be our champagne cart for your champagne reception or ours cocktail service You decide, we will implement it.


Latest news

Wir setzen stark auf unsere langjährige Branchenerfahrung und auf höchste Qualität. Unser Ziel ist es, jede Veranstaltung zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis zu machen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst.

BBQ Catering

Die besten Fleisch- und Beilagenoptionen für Ihr BBQ-Catering in Frankfurt

Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse eines perfekten BBQ Caterings in Frankfurt! Von saftigen Rindersteaks bis zu zarten Schweinekoteletts, begleitet von köstlichen Beilagen und erfrischenden Getränken.

BBQ Catering - Fleisch und Beilagenoptionen für BBQ Catering in Frankfurt mit Lofthouse Catering
BBQ Catering

BBQ-Catering in Frankfurt - Trends und Neuheiten für den Sommer

on aktuellen Trends wie Fusion-BBQ bis zu innovativen Konzepten und nachhaltigen Praktiken – dieser Beitrag enthüllt die kulinarische Entwicklung und Zukunft des BBQ-Caterings in der Mainmetropole!

BBQ Catering Trends in Frankfurt für den Sommer - Lofthouse Catering
BBQ Catering

Erfolgreiches BBQ-Catering - Tipps und Tricks von Profis in Frankfurt

Entdecken Sie die Bedeutung des BBQ Caterings in Frankfurt, wo Grillen nicht nur eine kulinarische Option, sondern ein geselliges Erlebnis ist.

Professionelle BBQ Catering Tipps in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering
Event catering

Frankfurt's culinary diversity - catering for every taste

Dive into the world of catering in the financial metropolis and discover innovative concepts, sustainable trends and delicious specialities.

Frankfurt's diversity - catering for every taste - Lofthouse Catering
Business catering

Tips for successful corporate catering in Frankfurt

From the importance of culinary excellence for meetings to the challenge of shining in the financial metropolis — discover the secrets of a successful event.

Tips for successful corporate catering in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering

Catering Trends 2024 - Was Frankfurt zu bieten hat

Von nachhaltigen Praktiken bis zu innovativen Technologien - hier sind die Trends, die die Catering-Szene in Frankfurt dominieren:

Catering Trends 2024 - Was Frankfurt zu bieten hat - Lofthouse Catering

Gesunde und leckere Catering-Optionen in Frankfurt

Von frischen Salaten und Gemüseplatten bis zu saisonalen Gerichten bieten wir eine Vielfalt an köstlichen Optionen, die nicht nur das Wohlbefinden fördern, sondern auch einen bleibenden kulinarischen Eindruck hinterlassen.

Gesunde und leckere Catering-Optionen in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering

Vegan und Vegetarisch - Catering für alle Ernährungsbedürfnisse in Frankfurt.

Mit einer breiten Palette von köstlichen Optionen, von innovativem Fingerfood bis zu exquisiten Menüs, bieten wir nicht nur eine gesunde Alternative, sondern erfüllen auch alle Ernährungsbedürfnisse Ihrer Gäste.

Vegan und vegetairsches Catering in Frankfurt von Lofthouse Catering
Event Catering

Kulinarische Köstlichkeiten - Was Sie bei einem Event Catering in Frankfurt erwarten können

Lofthouse Catering kombiniert traditionelle Frankfurter Spezialitäten mit innovativen internationalen Köstlichkeiten.

Köstliches Event Catering in Frankfurt - Was sie erwarten können - Lofthouse Catering
Event Catering

Von Fingerfood bis zum Gala-Dinner - Die Vielfalt des Event-Caterings in Frankfurt

auchen Sie ein in die Welt des Event Caterings in Frankfurt und entdecken Sie vielfältige Möglichkeiten, von exquisitem Sit-Down-Dinner bis zu kreativen Themenbuffets.

Eventcatering in Frankfurt - Von Fingerfood bis zum Galadinner - Lofthouse Catering
Event Catering

Kreatives Catering - Trends und Ideen für besondere Events in Frankfurt

Entdecken Sie die kulinarische Vielfalt Frankfurts mit innovativem Catering, das Ihre Sinne verführt und Events zu unvergesslichen Erlebnissen macht!

Innovatives Catering für besondere Event in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering
Event Catering

Innovativ und lecker - Die neuesten Trends im Event-Catering in Frankfurt

Erfahren Sie, warum Catering entscheidend für Veranstaltungen ist und wie innovative Konzepte in Frankfurt das Catering-Erlebnis auf ein neues Niveau heben

Innovatives Catering in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering

Regional und Saisonal - Warum nachhaltiges Catering in Frankfurt immer beliebter wird

Entdecken Sie die Bedeutung von nachhaltigem Catering in Frankfurt: Von lokalen und saisonalen Zutaten bis zur Vermeidung von Einwegverpackungen

Regional Und Saisonal - Nachhaltiges Catering In Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering

Tipps für ein gelungenes BBQ-Catering in Frankfurt

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des BBQ-Caterings in Frankfurt - von saftigen Grillklassikern bis hin zu kreativen vegetarischen Köstlichkeiten

Tipps für ein gelungenes BBQ Catering in Frankfurt

Why choose sustainable catering in Frankfurt?

From regional ingredients to waste minimization — find out how you can make your event a sustainable highlight with responsible catering.

Benefits of sustainable catering in Frankfurt - Lofthouse Catering

Creative ideas for theme events: How to make your event unique

Get ready to turn your event into an unforgettable experience! Find out how Lofthouse Catering creates themed events with creative ideas and culinary delights — for unique moments in Frankfurt and beyond.

An elegant catering service prepares a delicious feast, surrounded by a stylish atmosphere and satisfied guests.
BBQ catering

The art of BBQ smoking: tips for beginners

Dive into the world of BBQ catering at Lofthouse and enjoy perfectly smoked delicacies in and around Frankfurt.

BBQ catering - enjoy the delicious world of BBQ smoking.

How much does good catering cost in Frankfurt? Catering prices

Learn how to plan your catering budget and which factors influence the prices for catering services in Frankfurt.

How much does catering cost in Frankfurt?

Corporate catering event in Frankfurt: Perfect cuisine for your success

Find out how Lofthouse Catering takes your corporate event in Frankfurt to a new level with exquisite corporate party catering.

Lofthouse Catering offers you corporate event catering in Frankfurt with excellent food

Business and event catering in Offenbach with Lofthouse catering

Find out why Lofthouse Catering in Offenbach is the best choice for business and event catering.

Lofthouse Catering is based in Offenbach

Gala dinner catering: luxury enjoyment in Frankfurt

Find out everything about exclusive gala dinner catering in Frankfurt and how Lofthouse Catering makes your event an unforgettable experience.

Gala Dinner by Lofthouse catering for your event

Tips for choosing the perfect event location

Advice on finding the ideal event location. We'll help you make the right choice.

Lofthouse Catering finds your perfect event location in Frankfurt am Main

Catering Frankfurt: Your partner for events

An introduction to the world of catering in Frankfurt. Find out why Lofthouse Catering is the best choice.

Lofthouse catering in Frankfurt at OutOfOffice Sachsenhausen


Here is an overview of the most frequently asked questions.

What distinguishes Lofthouse Catering's business catering in Frankfurt?

Can Lofthouse Catering also cater for large business events in Frankfurt?

Does Lofthouse Catering offer special menus for special dietary requirements?

How early should I book my business catering in Frankfurt?

Does Lofthouse Catering also offer beverage service for business events

Can you also provide event planning services for my business catering in Frankfurt?

Are there minimum order quantities for business catering at Lofthouse Catering?

Which regions in Frankfurt are covered by Lofthouse Catering?

Our Services

Our other services

Lofthouse Catering is your competent partner for catering in Frankfurt. With our many years of experience in the industry and our focus on the highest quality, we offer you a wide range of services.

Event Catering


Event Catering

Veranstaltung im OutOfOffice in Frankfurt mit Lofthouse Catering


Event Catering

We'll take care of all the details so you can focus on your guests and enjoy your event to the fullest.

Messe Catering


Fair Catering

Lofthouse Catering als Partner für ihre Messecatering in Frankfurt bei der Messe Frankfurt


Fair Catering

Convince yourself of our expertise and let us make your trade fair appearance a culinary highlight together.

Pfeil Links - Lofthouse Catering
Pfeil rechts - Lofthouse Catering

Do you need catering for your event in Frankfurt? Please contact us!